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HomeWeb Hosting ArticlesDescription of Dedicated Servers Hosting
Xeon E3 v5
Xeon E3-1240L V5 2.10 GHz (4 Cores)
2x240 GB SSD Hard Drives
$72.00* /mo
$80.00 /mo
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Xeon E3 v3
Xeon E3-1240L V3 2.00 GHz (4 Cores)
2x480 GB SSD Hard Drives
$72.00* /mo
$80.00 /mo
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Xeon Е5 2620 v3
Intel Xeon Е5-2620 v3 2.40 GHz (6 Cores)
2x240 GB SSD Hard Drives
$99.00* /mo
$110.00 /mo
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Description of Dedicated Servers Hosting

Free and paid shared plans are among the most extensively used website hosting solutions on the marketplace. They are suitable for small-sized web pages that do not request lots of system resources and do not have that many website visitors, but for resource-demanding web pages with many thousands of visitors, a more powerful solution is demanded. If you demand a rock steady, top-quality shared hosting platform that can handle even millions of everyday hits, a dedicated server is your most appropriate alternative.

Handle the Load Caused by Your Sites with a Dedicated Server

With the dedicated web hosting solution, you rent a whole machine whose resources will be used only by your sites. Just as any PC, each dedicated server has one or more central processing units functioning at a specific speed, some amount of memory, one or more hard disk drives, etc. A dedicated hosting server is actually a computer with hardware aimed to handle heavy load and some software activated on it, such as a web server, PHP and MySQL software platforms, etc., which allows the sites stored on it to be accessible on the web.

Managed Dedicated Servers Hosting Services

A dedicated server can be administered either by the hosting company, or by the client, based on the specific dedicated server plan. In either situation, the side handling the dedicated hosting server has access to a software tool to reboot it at any particular time. Management is done through a CP interface that permits you to check the services running on the dedicated hosting server.

OSs for Dedicated Servers

There are various web server Operating Systems such as Windows, FreeBSD, a number of Linux distributions, and so on. Particular web hosting service providers provide dedicated servers running one given OS, while others give clients an option. MSSQL databases and .NET sites request a Windows server, for example, and will not function on a different OS, while PHP and HTML driven websites using MySQL databases will work on any Operating System. Prior to leasing a dedicated server, discover what the web hosting distributor offers and what the necessities of your website are.

Software Applications for Dedicated Servers

By default, each dedicated server includes all the software needed to manage a site - a web server, database software (MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and so on), PHP software, FTP server software and so on, so the moment you obtain the web server, you can upload your web files and take the site online. Most hosting providers offer full root access, in other words you can install any software applications on the dedicated server and change any settings. Some script-driven software platforms require server-side libraries that should be pre-activated in order for them to work. Plenty of e-commerce software scripts, for example, have such a requirement, and being supplied with full server root access to the dedicated server is critical for having an online storefront. Other hosting suppliers do not give complete server root access, but help the client install the needed software platforms - this is the so-called managed hosting service, as compared with the unmanaged hosting service, which offers root privileges.

Dedicated Server by '101Hosting.com'

The web content on the dedicated server can be managed either via a Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel or via a hosting Control Panel GUI like cPanel, DirectAdmin, Hepsia, etc. There are tens of hosting CP tools out there, and normally hosts provide a number of them, and with full server root access at hand, the customer can install any of them. All web files, databases, e-mailboxes, access logs and program installations are handled effortlessly through a graphical user interface in a browser, so no advanced knowledge is required. Given hosting Control Panels also include a reseller backend panel, so if you get a dedicated server, you can not simply host your web files, but also offer shared website hosting packages to other customers to make cash. We, at 101Hosting.com, provide free-of-charge invoicing software and a domain reseller account with each and every dedicated server plan of ours, which permits you to build your very own hosting firm and make money very quickly as the hosting market niche is perpetually increasing.


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